Indicator 84. Area of forest under sustainable forest management as a percent of forest area

Rationale and definition:

The indicators on annual change in forest area and on protected areas overlay with biodiversity provide important information on the change in forest area and the protection of key forest regions. A third forest-related indicator is needed to track the sustainability of economic and other uses of forests. The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 has proposed this indicator measuring the percentage of forest under sustainable management.1


Countries with strong forest management systems can disaggregate the indicator spatially.

Comments and limitations:

A challenge for this indicator is to arrive at an internationally consistent definition of sustainable forest management practices.2 An improved version of the indicator and underlying data will be provided in the 2015 assessment of Global Objectives on Forests.

Preliminary assessment of current data availability by Friends of the Chair:


Primary data source:

Administrative data.

Potential lead agency or agencies:


  1. FAO (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010. Rome, Italy: FAO.

  2. UN Statistics Division (2014).