Indicator 93. Existence and implementation of a national law and/or constitutional guarantee on the right to information

Rationale and definition:

This indicator helps assess whether a country has a legal or policy framework that protects and promotes access to information. Public access to information helps ensure institutional accountability and transparency. It is important to measure both the existence of such a framework and its implementation, as good laws may exist but they may not be enforced. This can be simply due to a lack of capacity, more systematic institutional resistance, or a culture of secrecy or corruption.1 Furthermore, exceptions or contradictory laws, such as government secrecy regulations, can erode these guarantees.



Comments and limitations: It is also important that public access to information be timely, accessible, user-friendly and free of charge, though this is beyond the current scope of the indicator.

Preliminary assessment of current data availability by Friends of the Chair:


Primary data source:

International monitoring.

Potential lead agency or agencies:


  1. UNESCO, (2010), Media Development Indicators: A framework for assessing media development.