Indicator 58. Access to all-weather road (% access within [x] km distance to road)

Rationale and definition:

Access to roads that are reliably passable year-round is critical for many rural development processes, including access to inputs, markets, education, and health services. This indicator tracks the share of population that lives within [x] km of roads that are reliably passable all- year round. Preferably such roads should be paved to ensure all-season access for heavy vehicles.1


This indicator can be disaggregated spatially. Other opportunities to be reviewed.

Comments and limitations:

While this indicator tracks access to crucial infrastructure, it does not capture accessibility to important destinations such as workplaces, markets, schools, or health facilities. It also does not measure the availability of adequate public transit on such roads, or the accessibility by relevant demographic characteristics.

Preliminary assessment of current data availability by Friends of the Chair:


Primary data source:

Administrative data. It may also be possible to collect this data from remote sensing or satellite.

Potential lead agency or agencies:

World Bank.

  1. Dobermann and Nelson et al (2013).