Indicator 97. Private net flows for sustainable development at market rates as share of high-income country GNI, by sector

Rationale and definition:

International private finance is critical for financing sustainable development. In particular private finance can fund private sector development (including agriculture) and infrastructure. The proposed indicator will track international private flows at market rates using the OECD DAC definition, which includes: direct investment, international bank lending (maturity > 1 year), bond lending (maturity > 1 year), and other flows (mainly reported holdings of equities issued by firms in aid recipient countries).1


By sector, destination, and type of private flows.

Comments and limitations:

To be reviewed.

Preliminary assessment of current data availability by Friends of the Chair:


Primary data source:

Administrative data.

Potential lead agency or agencies:

This indicator can be reported for all high-income as well as middle- income countries. Data for this indicator can be collected by the OECD DAC and other agencies (TBD).

  1. More information on the OECD’s work on External Financing for Development.